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Amplifying Tech Talent Diversity

A Case Study in Enriching Candidate Pipelines

The Challenge

Our client—a data intelligence engine, expressed the need to boost the percentage of woman, Black and Hispanic candidates in their pipeline to foster innovation through diverse perspectives.

Our Solution

To aid in their diversity objectives, we utilized an extensive collection of Boolean strings that we developed and utilized. These strings employed factors like pronouns, schools, conferences, and ethnic organizations for spotting potential candidates from underrepresented backgrounds.

We also leveraged our alliances with educational institutions, professional organizations and non-profits to proactively attract diverse talent. Our involvement included career fairs, career readiness workshops and resume reviews for underrepresented individuals, enhancing our diverse talent pool.

Optimizing our Efforts

We utilized multiple tools, to help in our workflow:

The combination of sourcing approaches allowed us to consistently refine our strategies and make well informed decisions for optimal results

Data Analytics

Candidate Tracker

Tracking System

Sourcing Plataform


In summary, our comprehensive strategy including targeted sourcing, diverse partnerships, tech integration, and data analysis, notably enhanced the client’s diverse talent pool volume. In six months, we increased the number of diverse candidates in the pipeline by 310%.

Targeted Sourcing

Data Analysis

Educational Partnership

Tech Integrations


Diverse Pipeline Increase


  • “Exceptional work, consistently delivering prompt responses, top-tier candidates, and elevating the candidate experience and recruitment process.”

    —Head Of Product Engineering

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